The symbolic glass ceiling of 120,000 visitors broken
Next edition 7-10 October 2025, Clermont-Ferrand- France
Upon closing its doors on the final day, it was apparent that the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE
(LIVESTOCK SUMMIT) in Clermont-Ferrand (France) had once again smashed its visitor
numbers record. With over 120,000 visitors, the show has further confirmed its position
.as the World’s number 1 sustainable livestock farming event
It’s a significant achievement for the show’s organizers considering the livestock health
.issues and inclement weather encountered before and during the event
An outstanding political forum
This 33rd edition of the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE played host to several frontline politicians, including the newly appointed French Prime Minister Michel Barnier who chose the SOMMET as his first major public visit. He was accompanied by Annie Genevard, the new Minister of Agriculture, present at the show on 2 consecutive days, and Antoine Armand, the Finance Minister. The Prime Minister seized the opportunity to make several announcements of support for the farming industry
“It’s a huge recognition of our event and demonstrates Michel Barnier’s esteem for agriculture in general and the livestock industry in particular”, as commented Jacques Chazalet, SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE President
A key economic event Fabrice Berthon, SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE General Manager told us that, Despite the difficult climate for the agricultural machinery and livestock equipment market, the 1,750 exhibitors were overall more than satisfied, especially with the number and quality of contacts made during the show
A trade show with growing international appeal “It was an excellent show with a 20% increase in foreign visitors” confirmed Benoît Delaloy, the SOMMET’s International Manager
With over 6,000 international visitors, 2/3rds of whom were farmers goes to prove that the SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE is recognized as one of Europe’s major agri-livestock shows
Over 4 days, visitors can discover the cream of French livestock farming, whether that be genetics, new products or farm machinery, and all that in one single place
Other highlights for foreign visitors included a program of 30 farm and agro-industrial sites visits and the International Gala Evening that sees all breeds present at the show paraded, with live commentary, in the Zenith arena. Conferences for international visitors were conducted in English, Spanish and Russian
And not forgetting Kazakhstan, this year’s guest of honor, that enjoyed a highly successful show
Pastoralism, the livestock farming of tomorrow
More than ever the SOMMET is committed to working in the best interests of the climate, confirming its position as the world’s Number 1 sustainable livestock show. Never have the 4 days of the SOMMET seen so many initiatives, exhibitors, conferences and other highlights won over by the central theme tempo of sustainability, pastoralism and grassland forage systems. It’s a commitment that is taking on increasing importance, especially with the UN declaring 2026 as the International Year of Pastoralism and Grassland
“There’s a wave of interest in pastoralism. The younger generations are planning their careers in line with their future aspirations in line with society’s expectations,” as stressed by Bruno Dufayet, President of the Association for the Promotion of Agriculture in the Massif Central (APRAMAC)
The next generation of livestock farmers
The SOMMET continues to rejuvenate its audience, by investing in new forms of communication (social networks, influencers, etc.). The percentage of young visitors has once again increased this year, which can only contribute to new entrants coming into farming. Many see the attractivity of the industry as a major challenge facing livestock farming in the coming years
“What better way to prepare for the future than to welcome more and more of the young people who will make up tomorrow’s livestock farming industry?”, adds Fabrice Berthon
Catching up with old friends, meeting new and having a good time
This year, visitors once again enjoyed all that the SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE represents as an iconic social event for all concerned. Families, children and young adults caught up with each other, taking advantage of the fun atmosphere to chat, share moments and unwind in the aisles. Aftercow, the party organized on the 3rd of October by the Young Farmers was so popular that it filled the Zénith d’Auvergne concert hall, is the personification of the festive, social and family-friendly event that the SOMMET represents
Experience the SOMMET all year with the digital platform The Comptoir des Éleveurs
With more than 70 influencers present at the show, a TV station with 5 channels, a multiplex
broadcasting system and 150 hours of live coverage, the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE is now a veritable media platform for the livestock industry. As Victor Berthon, the show’s Development and Digital Manager, said “The Comptoir de Éleveurs currently numbers 11,000 members, yet we are just at the outset of our long-term project to provide complete digitalization of the SOMMET. Our aim is to keep our community active all year round with all the content generated over the 4 days of the show
This 33rd edition also saw the launch of the SOMMET’s marketplace, Le Grand Magasin (The Big Store)
Tens of thousands of products are already listed and available online to simplify trading between exhibitors (sellers) and farmers (buyers). And even more reason to continue trading once the show doors have closed
.In 2025, the SOMMET will host the CHAROLAIS breed National Championships
The show dates are 7, 8, 9 & 10 October 2025