VIV Turkey-Poultry & Livestock Middle East & africa magazine

High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI) – Situation

The new HPAI season which started in October 2024 continued in January 2025 with 144
outbreaks being reported in poultry for the month and 160 in non-poultry birds and mammals in
Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. About 14.9 million poultry birds died or were culled during
the month, mostly in the Americas. It is interesting to note that the total number of outbreaks in
poultry notified for the 4 months since the start of the current seasonal wave (October 2024-
January 2025) is already comparable to the number of outbreaks notified for the whole year of the
previous wave (October 2023-September 2024).
In January 2025, the number of outbreaks in both poultry and non-poultry notified to WOAH
overall slightly decreased compared to December 2024, based on the currently available data,
which leads us to believe that the seasonal peak has passed for poultry and that we are in the
downward phase (to be confirmed over the coming months). However, there was a rise in
outbreaks among wild birds in Europe. While cases in mammals continued to be reported in the
Americas and Europe, the overall number of outbreaks has declined compared to December
2024. During this period, Iceland newly reported cases in mammals.Research community present
on site continue to report several suspected cases of HPAI in the sub-Antarctic islands and
Antarctica proper ( The situation in Antarctica is of
particular concern, as experts fear the negative impact of HPAI on Antarctic wildlife and

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